going on 3 am
I just realized something today. When I was younger, every first day of summer I took on my least white and vunerable clothes and rolled down our slope in the backyard. My way to officially greet the summer in a way. Haha silly really but my point was that I miss it. And I miss going to the playground at my old kindergarten and actually being short enough to enjoy walking the rope and holding on to the other above my head. And I miss being just a walking distanse away from my friends when I'm in Horred. It hasn't been like that in a long, long time. I just started to have contact with some of my oldest friends again, it's funny how I feel closer to them than I do other people that I called my friends a longer time after that. And you know other friends that you were so sure that you were going to keep for the rest of your life, no matter what. And that big, defining moment never happened, you just kind of..slipped apart without you noticing it. And then you realize that all of those memories, happy moments just aren't enough to glue it back together.. Sad. But then you think back at all of those times; not so sad anyway, is it? So easy to get stuck in the past, believe me, I know.
Whoa, this post didn't turn in to what I thought it would or I didn't have a plan anyway.. Just what happens 2 am in front of the computer when you're tired of writing about clothes and partying I guess ;) Tomorrow I have a lot on my agenda, no time for thinking.. or writing. That's reserved for nights going on 3 am.
Whoa, this post didn't turn in to what I thought it would or I didn't have a plan anyway.. Just what happens 2 am in front of the computer when you're tired of writing about clothes and partying I guess ;) Tomorrow I have a lot on my agenda, no time for thinking.. or writing. That's reserved for nights going on 3 am.